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Teenage Conflict Pt. 2 of 3

Reel Number: 220954-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960

Country: USA

Location: Studio

TC Begins: 07:04:12

TC Ends: 07:12:16

Duration: 00:08:04

Teenage Conflict Pt. 2 of 3 Joe in basement w/ radio equipment; Donna in excited w/ letter from George accepting invitation to stay; “maybe it’s really not very fair, after all George is a real brain & putting him up against our parents”. “They’re intelligent people, they just haven’t caught up with the times”. 07:05:31 Joe into diner, sits w/ Fred & other church members - ask him about George’s visit - “say Joe, how come you’re palling around w a guy like that?” “How does he explain away God?”. Joe invites them to come to Science Club meeting. 07:07:25 Joe arrives home; mother needs an operation & plenty of rest. “The Lord’s looked out for us so far...” Joe & Donna in basement - worried about mother: “I never realised until now just how much her faith really means to her” - wishes they hadn’t invited George to stay. 07:11:01 CU clock on wall - 10.15pm; Joe trying to study, gives up, overhears parents conversation - mother reassured by psalm “I shall fear no evil...” “What do people do who have to face a problem like this without a living faith in the living God?” Religion; Christianity; Evangelism; 1950s Americana High School;.

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