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Teenage Witness Pt. 1 of 3

Reel Number: 220954-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1959

Country: USA

Location: Studio

TC Begins: 07:22:46

TC Ends: 07:30:54

Duration: 00:08:08

Teenage Witness Pt. 1 of 3 Family Films Prod. Sam Hersh Dir. William F Claxton Teenage boy Terry in garage workshop w/ electric grinder at workbench, talks w/ sister Julie’s friend Phyllis - called for breakfast. Father comes to kitchen in dressing gown aka bath robe; supposed to be resting after heart attack but says he’s OK- all sit down to eat. Mother talks about new job in department store, father says Grace. 07:25:28 EXT large American High School. Terry walks in w/ sister & Phyllis, carrying motor in box & talks about Science Fair; school bullies Jeff & Rod pull up in open-top Corvette car & block their way. Jeff taunts Terry about his faith; uses silly German accent & calling girls “Fraulein” Terry from immigrant family?? - but they stick up for themselves. “You can ditch that ‘Holy Joe’ stuff, you’ve kind of been running it into the ground” Terry asks how much Jeff’s “stooge” Rod gets paid for laughing at his jokes. Bullies caught by principal moving ‘No Parking’ sign away from car. 07:27:37 Terry w/ science teacher showing visitor his electric motor - suggests he might win prize at science fair. Terry in school office helping to fix a broken safe lock; bullies waiting to see Principal. “He’s a regular Mr Fixit ain’t he” watch secretary take cash tin out of safe. 07:29:55 Principal calls guys into his office. Jeff hatching plan - tells Rod to apologise to Terry. “You two used to be pretty good friends” - “yeah, he spent a lot of time trying to brainwash me...I was the biggest square you ever saw”. Religion; Christianity; Evangelism; 1950s Americana High School; Juvenile Delinquents;

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