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Unidentified FBI Post War R1 of 2

Reel Number: 221206-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA

Location: DC,Quantico,Virginia,Washington

TC Begins: 20:21:57

TC Ends: 20:29:58

Duration: 00:08:01

Unidentified FBI Post War R1 of 2 Federal Bureau of Investigations - offices (interiors); Washington Department of Justice Building entrance; FBI HQ office workers, male telephone operators. J. Edgar Hoover in office, women searching fingerprints; photography lab & various other forensic tests. Agents w/ ultra-violet goggles; CU stop watch; microscope; tweezer. 20:24:00 FBI training academy at Quantico. Agents learnself defence, disarming man with gun, martial arts. Agents learning how to assemble guns, target practice on rifle & pistol range. 20:24:57 Science labs, spectrographic analysis, photography, microfilm - decoding messages re WWII sabotage. Row of file cabinets being searched. 20:26:02 Reconstruction of war time espionage case of Nazi Agent August Baumeyer. Baumeyer’s restaurant; meeting place for American Nazis (German-American Bund). FBI agent recording meeting w/ recorder in bunch of celery. Nazi on stage w/ Swastikas, FBI agents in car listen. FBI agents talk in office. Call “August Baumeyer“ on restaurant phone; camera surveillance by FBI - spies meet. Nazi spies hide in Baumeyer restaurant basement. Spy; Myth; WWII Homefront;

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