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What Is Soil?

Reel Number: 221633-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA

Location: Bryce Canyon,Utah

TC Begins: 05:33:14

TC Ends: 05:43:26

Duration: 00:10:12

What Is Soil? Boy w/ rocks crushing to make his own soil for an experiment to see if he can grow plants in the new soil; breaks up rotten wood, wet rotting leaves & adds dead crickets & grasshoppers. Puts into pot & plants bean seeds. Adds water 05:35:35 Hikes thru farm & walks up inspecting soil. Climbs up rocky cliff, pulls out grass from dry soil. Grass growing in rock cracks. Sits on top of rocky peak. 05:37:20 View of farms in valley. Inspects cracks in rocks. 05:37:59 Boy into house, fills small bottle w/ water, puts in freezer. Returns & takes out broken bottle. Takes tea kettle from stove & pours boiling water onto cold glass in pan cracking the glass into small pieces. 05:39:15 Mountain range w/ snow & ice; broken rocks falling, breaking. Rain onto rocks. 05:39:59 Bryce Canyon, Utah w/ erosion. Modeling clay w/ pebbles added to demonstrate erosion using kitchen sink sprayer to wash away clay under rocks. 05:42:21 Broken rocks on hillside; rotted plants; worms, ants moving over. Squirrel. Pan over farm cropland. 05:43:01 Boy in window looking at pot w/ bean plant in it. The End. Elementary School Science Projects; Geology; Geography; 1940s; 1948;

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