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Why Defend China R1

Reel Number: 220899-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1938

Country: Japan China


TC Begins: 21:26:44

TC Ends: 21:34:45

Duration: 00:08:01

Why Defend China R1 Japanese propaganda film. Combat and riot scenes depict Chinese history from 1913 to 1936. League of Nations report into Sino-Japanese dispute. Slogans re Down with the Japanese - books vilifying the Japanese. Newspapers on walls read by men on street. Short shots of various buildings showing Japanese / Chinese co-operation - The academy of Oriental Culture - Tokyo Institute, The Dobunkai , Japanese society for cultural work for China, Tung Wen College, Shanghai - Sino-Japanese education association, The Dojinkai - Japanese society for welfare work in China, Tung Ren Hwei Hankow hospital maintained by the Dojinkai - The Tsing Tao hospital - Kiang-Han Middle school in Hankow - The Peking library of modern Japanese research - The ? Science institute. July 1937 Map showing Lukowkiao ( Marco Polo Bridge ) where Chinese Nationalists attack Japanese soldiers - shots of bridge. Women and children evacuated. Newspaper headline re Chinese warplanes bombing of Shanghai - bomb damaged buildings - buildings burning. Japanese troops fighting fires, Japanese troops firing at plane. In Japan, street demonstrations in support of Japanese troops, women and children support the war with cheers prayers and donations. Yokohama Chinese primary school - lessons as usual NB subtitles intermittently over pictures throughout

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