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World-Wide Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Pt. 2 of 3

Reel Number: 221406-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1962

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:21:47

TC Ends: 10:36:15

Duration: 00:14:28

World-Wide Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Pt. 2 of 3 continued... Lecturer holding chart & pointing to drop-off in radioactivity. Talks of danger of micro particles. 10:22:53 Man hurrying across destruction on Nevada test site taking measurements w/ gieger counter. Jet flying thru atomic cloud & on ground retrieving filter w/ long pole. Another jet over Pacific & man at fallout containers place on beach platforms, rafts in water & radar dish-like platform. Man on rooftop in US changing filter in sampling. U-2 taking off to measure in the stratosphere. CU in flight. Map showing their flights from Argentina, Puerto Rico & US flying north-south passes. Lecturer says half was out of stratosphere w/in a year after USSR ended its high altitude testing in 1958. 10:26:00 Plays speech saying how tenuous the calculations & assumptions are for existing radioactivity. Animated of Cesium 137, Strontium 90 & Carbon 14. Talks about deposits on edible plants. Illustration drawings & animation. Effects on body of gamma radiation from outside & from inside body (food). 10:28:52 Cancer development & genetic injury illustrated. Compares radiation to wind; gentle breeze over long period as safe to hurricane when it all comes at once. Same w/ radiation. 10:31:14 Illustration on REM unit; one millirem MREM (natural 30 yr background dose 3000 - 5000 MREM. CS 137 background is 70 MREM. 10:32:24 Genetics researcher VO of change in genes in cells by radiation. Animation showing mutated genes by radiation & effect over long period of mutated gene to point where both partners carry the mutated gene. Sickle-Cell anemia shown as a bad example of mutation. Says any mutation is more likely to be bad than good. Continued... Propaganda; Safety; Dangers; Operation Castle; Fear; Nuclear Testing; Biological Science; Military Weapons;

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