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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300313
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 01:00:14
TC Ends: 01:08:28
Duration: 00:08:14
WWII - 1942 , Germany: Me 163 Experimental Tests & Successful Flight Titles. 01:00:48 Intertitle: Aircraft - Rocket Motors - Aircraft Equipment - Auxiliary Aircraft. 01:01:33 Intertitle: ME-163 Launching Tests. Drawing of Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet. 01:01:50 LS w/ clock in lower right corner; Me 163 taking off from carriage, pan with as it engine running it fails to take off, wings fly off and then fuselage noses over, tail breaks loose & balance of aircraft disintegrates. Men picking up pieces (brief). 01:02:29 Same placement: engine begins, Me 163 off catapult carriage but then falls & breaks up. 01:03:01 Same placement: engine ignites, Me 163 off carriage then engine ignites and aircraft away. 01:03:37 Intertitle: The Messerschmitt 163 Rocket-Propelled Fighter. Drawing of Messerschmitt 163 rocket propelled fighter. (appears same as during launching tests). 01;03:54 LS Camera pans from R to L w/ Me 163 taking off across grass field, drops off wheels once off ground; fast climb and seems to bank to left. 01:04:49 MS ME-l63 parked on runway, nose toward camera. POV around plane w/ markings & no. 5. 01:05:13 MS Trailer on steel wheels w/ rocket engine of Me 163. CU hand in glove dipping saucer of fuel from large can / bucket & carefully place on table in front of hanger - mechanics working in background. 01:05:44 MCU of fuel buck w/ hook in lid,man opens & measures w/ stick. MCU saucer on table, ignited by man with ??. 01:06:04 Two German mechanics assemble wheels for take-off under Me 163 skid plate. 01:06:24 MS ground assistant attaches light ladder & assists pilot into Me 163; oxygen mask attaches & canopy lowered. 01:06:46 Auxiliary electrical generator beside aircraft; engine starting & generator pulled back. 01:06:56 MS plane (no. 04) plane engine igniting & L to R of plane, then MS R to L showing Me163 on takeoff run. 01:07:19 Telephoto Me 163 towards camera & take off; pan w/ dropping wheels. Follow aircraft on fast climb & bank to left showing contrail. Me 163 makes low pass on return, then climbs. 01:08:04 Me 163 L to R landing past camera, skidding on grassy field to bumpy stop. WW2 German Military Rocket Plane Development Tests; 1940s; Science; Inventions; Technology; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.