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Yosemite (Main Title missing) Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221280-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1954

Country: USA

Location: California,yOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK

TC Begins: 11:26:51

TC Ends: 11:36:34

Duration: 00:09:43

Yosemite (Main Title missing) Pt. 2 of 2 Continued...geological history shown w/ streams, glaciers breaking off. Valley in mountains w/ meandering stream slowly running across. Model of valley in development, pencil points to other features before shapened by weather. Valley floor & stream w/ oxbows. 11:28:35 Model w/ earthquake shaking. Intercut w/ lava & explosions. Chart showing uplift to peak at 7000 ft. Streams running faster. Views of deepened valley & rocks above. Mountain glacial moraine. Very fast flowing rivers, waterfalls over rock. 11:30:25 Model showing canyon stage & volcanic activity w/ lava. Mountains shown pushed up to 13000 ft. Rivers tumbling down long waterfalls. LS of dug out valley; very high waterfalls from bottom. 11:32:11 Heavy snowfall on evergreen trees. Glaciers falling. Diagram showing movement of glaciers thru Merced River Canyon. Nearly verticlal cliffs. Illustration of valley w/ glaciers receeding. 11:33:59 Rock left after retreating glacier. Silt carried by river. Present day views of valley, waterfalls, cliffs. El Capitan, Half Dome. LS w/ wateerfall. Peaks reflected in water. The End. Travelogues; Tourism; Geology; Erosion; National Park; Earth Science.

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