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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221052-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961,1971
Country: USA
Location: cape Kennedy [Canaveral],FL,Houston,Moon,Outer Space,Texas
TC Begins: 02:28:36
TC Ends: 02:57:01
Duration: 00:28:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 05May61 - Night shots launch pad - Freedom 7 mission - Alan Shepard exists transfer van by Mercury Redstone rocket. 02:29:14 31Jan71 Saturn V rocket on launch pad with Gemini for Apollo 14 mission to Fra Mauro crater; Tilt up Saturn rocket to moon in sky 02:29:34 Alan Shepard puts on space suit; Stuart Roosa puts on suit; CU Mitchell; crew walk to transfer bus; ELS launch pad; into LC at Kennedy Space Center; crew to elevator and along gangway. 02:31:01 Good shots of ignition - LC monitor - split screen take off. 02:31:33 Titles. 02:31:45 Command module Kitty Hawk in orbit - docking attempts w/ lunar module Antares. Interiors mission control with video link, large screen, technicians work with replica docking device - GVs mission control with voice over downlink. Cheers as docking achieved; int GVs module with probe being examined 02:33:45 04Feb71 Moon shots from orbit; technicians look at seismograph print outs. Lunar module undocks; CUs erroneous abort warning; very good CUs mission control team. Donald Isles (phon.) at MIT Massachusetts; simulation test at Cape Kennedy. 02:35:34 Lunar surface from less than 10 miles; CUs mission control; voice over downlink; CUs faces and controls. On board shots of moon surface approaching to touchdown at Fra Mauro crater. Stills of lunar module and moon. 02:38:54 Shepard climbs on to moon - tele-recording and shots on mission control screen. Mitchell descending and placing flag on moon; astronauts bounce to camera; various stills and video shot; CU heart monitor at mission control. Good shots mission control with voice over downlink and astronauts on screen; time lapse film of astronauts setting up scientific lab 02:43:05 Roosa in command module during orbit of moon. Mission control & moon surface stills and video link during 2nd exploration to Cone ? crater with voice over downlink. Scientists monitor audio link at Houston. Mission control and exploration stills; CUs heart/pulse monitor. 02:48:01 CU stopwatch in hand monitoring duration of space walk. Crew stop climb to edge of Cone crater - collect samples & return to lunar module - oxygen running out. Scientist VO re composition of lunar rocks. 02:50:45 Lunar module lift off with downlink audio. Lunar module approaches Command module. Command module from Lunar module. Docking completed; mission control. Lunar module jettisoned. 02:53:40 INT command module on return inc Shepard shaving; various 'O' gravity experiments. Earth from Space 02:54:32 09Feb71 On board film of re-entry; shots of module with chutes hitting water; happy faces in mission control; crew lifted from water and on to USS New Orleans w/ breathing masks. Lunar rover / moon buggy tested. Experiments on Lunar rock samples. Space Race; Apollo 14; Moon Landing; Apollo XIV; Color; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: