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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220970-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s
Country: USA
Location: Outer Space
TC Begins: 07:00:07
TC Ends: 07:08:39
Duration: 00:08:32
1970s - NASA Rockets & Satellites Including Apollo 15 & Ariane 01 Men at Mission Control Room consoles. CU faces. 07:00:1 Zoom in on still of moon. Largely empty room of electronic equipment & desks (brief). Black. 07:00:3 Zoom in on still of Earth from space. Black. 07:00:4 Crew to elevator (brief) LS launch Apollo 15 w/ count-down clock. Rocket on stand w/ logo of Scott Wor ?? 07:00:5 Lift-off; in flight. Satellite spinning in space (brief). Black. 07:01:1 Control room, technician, satellite spinning in space. Movement over moon w/ earth in distance. 07:01:4 Moon lander (?) turning. Zoom in on Earthrise. Rocket at night on launch pad. Black. 07:01:5 Mission Control; Ariane rocket; technicians on stand, tilt up rocket, gantry attachment moving away & night launch of Ariane 01 rocket w/ MCU of rocket separating from gantry & debris falling away. NOTE: strange video color in source. 07:03:3 Engineers in Mission Control. Satellite tracking dish following. 07:03:3 - 07:03:4 Rocket in flight. 07:03:5 Montage: Tracking room w/ lighted chart; rocket; space effects, radar dishes, satellites in space. 07:04:2 Montage: Satellite opening; tracking dish. Black. 07:04:4 Pullback from still of earth from space. Satellite moving across. Black. 07:05:0 Spectacular night launch; tracking dish; satellite turning. Black. 07:05:1 Various space effects, solar flares. Animation galaxy, planets., satellite, moon’s surface. Black. 07:07:3 Satellite out of hanger; POV past rocket on stand. Rocket launch. 07:07:4 Animation of satellite probe circling planet; control center & desk. Black. 07:07:5 Animation of satellite turning in space passing object / moon or planets. Saturn rings, ice crystals. NASA Missions; Space Exploration; Communications; 1970s; NOTE: Apollo 15 launched 26Jul71; Ariane 01 launched 24Dec79.