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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221305-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
Location: Houston,Texas
TC Begins: 18:33:17
TC Ends: 18:46:03
Duration: 00:12:46
APOLLO XI Mission Operation Control Room 20Jul69 Slate: 20Jul69 CU nervous hands; CU Hand holding pen (several). CU H/a Dr Berry looking at readout charts, CU Readout charts, CU Berry. MS Dr Berry & other men at consoles. 18:34:20 CU Heart rate intercut w/ Berry at console looking at heart rate. 18:34:50 CU Time display reading "GET 109-19-34". CU Heart rate & Dr Berry watching heart rate on monitor. 18:35:35 MCU TV monitor showing coverage of the moon walk; zoom out to long shot to show men seated at consoles in the foreground & TV monitor in background. CU monitor w/ Astronaut Armstrong's foot stepping down ladder. CU Heart rate; zoom out to medium shot of Dr Berry and other men at consoles in the foreground; TV monitor in the background. 18:36:20 Slate 20Jul69 CU Slayton, MS Astronauts Irwin, Scott, Conrad, Schmitt & two others seated at consoles. MS Irwin, Scott, Conrad, Schmitt & other men in the foreground, Slayton & men at consoles in the background. CU & ECU Flight Director Glenn Lunney. CU Dr Gilruth; CU George Low; CU Chris Kraft - zoom out to medium shot of Chris Kraft, George Low, Dr Gilruth at consoles. CUs Low; Gilruth. MCU Dr Gilruth. CU Flight Director Charlesworth seated at consoles; zoom out to show Glenn Lunney & Slayton seated at consoles in foreground. TV monitor w/ moon walk in background, CU Slayton seated at console in the foreground. TV monitor showing moon walk in the background, CU McCandless seated at console in the foreground; TV monitor in the background. 18:38:06 Zoom in to MS astronauts on Lunar Surface; CU Astronaut Schmitt - zoom out to medium shot to show Schmitt & other men at consoles. CU Slayton, McCandless, Schmitt & other men at consoles, zoom out to MLS to show other men at consoles in background; 18:38:29 MS TV monitor showing astronauts walking on Lunar Surface; zoom out to long shot to show men seated at consoles in the foreground; MS men seated at consoles in the foreground, TV monitor in the background; CU man's face. 18:39:09 Slate: 20Jul69 View of room w/ men looking past camera & pan to monitor. Additional shots of room, CUs of men intently watching. 18:43:23 Slate: 20Jul69 Console w/ flashing lights, CU of printout; fingers on buttons & pushing. Writing notes on charts. CU pushing button which lights. Pen printing out vibrations or ?? Three men intently watch. Man writing on ledger or ??. Apollo 11 Moon Landing Mission; Space Race; Cold War; Aeronautical Engineers;