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APOLLO XI Mission Operation Control Room 20Jul69 Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 221305-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1969

Country: USA

Location: Houston,Texas

TC Begins: 18:16:18

TC Ends: 18:27:23

Duration: 00:11:05

APOLLO XI Mission Operation Control Room 20Jul69 Pt. 1 of 2 Slate: 20Jul69 CU & MS Flight Director Krantz seated at console, hands writing. 18:16:38 CU Flight Director Windler. CU George Hage, KSC Mission Director & MS Hage & unidentified man seated at console. Zoom in to CU of Hage; CU Windler; CU Major General Phillips. CU Astronauts Slayton & Duke; CU Duke; MCU H/a Slayton & Duke seated at consoles; CU Hands writing. CU GET 18:17:43 100:23:30; CU Lovell; CU continued action, different angle. CU Astronaut Haise; MCU men seated at consoles; MS continued action; CUs of faces. 18:19:24 LS H/a men seated at consoles, pan right to display boards; multiple shots of men at consoles. 18:21:54 Slate 20Jul69 CU GET 101:14:05; CU Duke & Lovell; CU Duke and Lovell seated at consoles in the foreground; Astronaut Garriott seated in the background; CU Duke; CU Lovell, Duke & Haise; CU continued action; CU Duke & Lovell; MCE Duke, Lovell, Haise & Garriott; CU Duke - zoom out to include Lovell, Haise & Garriott; CU men seated at LM console; MS men at the LM console; 18:23;20 CU Heartrate on monitor & CU H/a Dr Berry at console watching heartrate; CU Duke and Lovell. 18:23:55 CU Chris Kraft; MS Flight Directors Krantz and Windler seated at consoles in the foreground; Chris Kraft standing behind console in the background. 18:24:11 MS men standing up and walking around MOCR. 18:24:40 CU consoles in foreground; display boards in background, tilt up & pan left to men at consoles; MS & CU of display boards. 18:25:00 CU Major General Phillips; CU Phillips & George Hage & continued action; MS Phillips, George Hage w/ another man seated at consoles. CU George Trimble, Chris Kraft, George Low & Dr Gilruth; CU Low & Gilruth. Zoom out to include George Trimble & Chris Kraft. CU Chris Kraft, George Low, Dr Gilruth - zoom out to include George Trimble. MS George Trimble, Kraft, Low & Gilruth at consoles. CU Flight Director Krantz & zoom to MCU. CU & zoom out to medium close up of Krantz. CU man's face; CU Kraft; CU Gilruth; Low; CU Kraft, Low & Gilruth; CU w/ zoom out to MCU - continued action. CU George Low,zoom out to MCU of Chris Kraft, Gilruth & Low; CU Flight Director Charlesworth; CU Flight Director Krantz in the foreground; Flight Director Charlesworth in background; CU Astronaut Duke. Apollo 11 Moon Landing Mission; Space Race; Cold War; Aeronautical Engineers;

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