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1990 ca - Color, USAF: Military Fighting Aircraft. n.d.

Reel Number: H1724-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980s,1990s,2000s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 11:02:56

TC Ends: 11:14:31

Duration: 00:11:35

1990 ca - Color, USAF: Military Fighting Aircraft. n.d. Two A-7D Corsair II taking off side by side; four in flight above clouds, peeling off to left; two making bombing run, fiery explosion. Another pass w/ flames. Strafing, firing rockets & explosions. VERY GOOD. 11:03:56 Black 11:03:58 Title: A-10A Thunderbolt II attack aircraft. Taxiing away, take off l to r. Strafing r. to l. & aerial following. Bombing. 11:04:39 Title: AC-130 Spectre precision fire support gunship. Tracking on ground past many gun barrels pointing out of side of plane. 11:04:58 Taking off r. to l. In air from in front, firing guns w/ flames showing, night firing & explosions. ammunition feeding into gun. Plane landing. 11:05:47 Title: USAF Bombers B-1B strategic bomber. Taxiing, ake off from above & ground. CU hands on controls in cockpit; flying over mountains seen from above, below & around. Climbing steeply w/ wings swept back & doing roll. 11:06:52 Title: USAF Bombers B-2A Advanced Technology Bomber (stealth bomber). Taking off towards camera; CU pulling back on stick. View in flight of nose w/ landing gear down, aerial from behind at high altitude, landing from ground no 21066. Taking off 11:08:14 Black 11:08:17 Title: USAF Fighters F-4E Phantom II (counter air/close support/interdiction). Taxiing, turning w/ load of rockets on wings, two taking off side-by-side. Aerial against blue sky & clouds. Two firing rockets; low-level fuzed bombing w/ napalm . Landing w/ drag chute. 11:09:30 Title: USAF Fighters F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel (locate enemy radar & destroy). Taxiing on tarmac, overhead & ground shots of two taking off side-by-side; dusk & silhouetted; firing missiles & fire burst on impact. 11:10:17 Title: USAF Fighters F-5E Tiger II (air-superiority tactical fighter). Two in tight flight , one w/ camouflage paint. 11:10:54 Title: USAF Fighters F-15 Eagle (air-to-air & interdiction). Taxiing out of Quonset hut hanger, take off w/ landing gear raised. Two in flight, one peels off, other does. CU pilot head in helmet. 11:11:36 Title: USAF Fighters F-16 Fighting Falcon (air-to-air & air-to-surface attack). Chocks pulled, plane pulls 7 turns, fast take off w/ hand on control stick. Two seen from overhead side-by-side down runway. Single taking off & various in-flight maneuvers; launching rocket. Fast roll. 11:12:40 Title: USAF Missiles Minuteman III (ICBM). Fire from launch tube & ICBM rising thru red cloud of smoke into clouds, tracked against blue sky. CU hand, men at controls in launch pad. Another launch. 11:13:30 Title: USAF Missiles Peacekeeper (MX-ICBM). Lowered into silo; LS of fiery launch of two missiles; ms of launch of another; CU of launch; CU in slow-motion of launch. Regular time launch. Military Aircraft; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.

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