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1948 ca - UNESCO Beirut Conference; Arab Refugees

Reel Number: 221534-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1948

Country: Lebanon

Location: Beirut

TC Begins: 15:22:12

TC Ends: 15:26:38

Duration: 00:04:26

UNESCO Beirut Conference; Arab Refugees ca 1948 UN flags on poles in front of UNESCO building, tilt down to park; VIPs walk past, man waves at camera, building seen behind. Police; couple to camera from car w/ flag on fender, up stairs. 15:22:35 POV from car past Arabs along sidewalk w/ backs to camera, another in street looking at camera. 15:22:40 Woman walking between two men in fez. Orthodox priests in robes; other Catholic priests walking w/ well-dressed crowd. Orientals & others. 15:23:01 UNESCO on building entrance, tilt down to police. MCU men in fez. Int. w/ men standing on podium. Standing men including sheiks. 15:23:13 Man at microphone from below front, LS, CU, LMS holding speech. Other shots. Arab sheiks in robes wearing headphones. Turkish delegation; Libyans. MCU President speaking (MOS). Syrian delegation. Man at board: UNESCO Beyrouth Expositions. 15:23:57 Woman at mimeograph printing presses. Women typing at desks. Sign re 44 nations have signed UNESCO charter. 15:24:17 Ext of buildings w/ UNESCO flags on poles, parking w/ drivers by cards. Soldiers. 15:24:33 Men wearing fez down steps past military lining sidewalk. Christian church w/ plane overhead, tilt down to street. Stone wal & Arabs out w/ boys. Old men talking by wall. Arabs gathered in courtyard looking at camera. Various groups talking, kids eating from ??. Baker passes out bread to kids. Arab street sign. Man w/ peg leg walking w/ crutches; kid w/ kettle w/ water on head. 15:25:31 Minarets of mosque, Arabs in front. Man walks thru w/ jugs on poles. Refugees & tents. Arab families beside tents posing; women & children. man giving clothes to kids to woman beside tent. Kids run out of tents to camera. Old people sit on ground talking. Palestine Refugees; Post Israel Independence (?);

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