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1950 - Color, USA Agriculture: Compass For Agriculture, A Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221313-07

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: USA


TC Begins: 04:01:08

TC Ends: 04:12:27

Duration: 00:11:19

1950 - Color, USA Agriculture Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Car pulls up to farmyard & shakes hands w/ grain & hog farmers. POV riding in car past fields 04:01:38 Int. of car, man punches button on “crop meter” measuring frontage along highway. Takes samples of soil moisture; recording on spot; cutting & measuring samples of grain. Checking corn plot, measuring; counting in tobacco field. Pan over cotton field, man measuring sample plot & counts; taking notes. Flowering cotton blooms; measuring bolls. Boll weevil, counter; harvest time & weighing sample; drying sample & re-weighed by technician. Weighing left-over from plot to see loss. 04:05:30 Men in office preparing reports. Report put into envelope & sealed. High angle shot of US Dept. of Agriculture building. Reports delivered to Secretary. Chairman of crop reporting board & Sec. of Agriculture unlock the report box & reports will be secretly reviewed, combine & reported. Blinds closed & sealed. Operators at switch board (VERY GOOD). Guards at door let men in. Men in room pulling files & reviewing. Men making charts. Hands on keypad & tabulator of calculating machine. Man dictating to secretary. Office secretaries working; man & woman operating duplicating machine; women collating; reporters waiting behind line. Clock w/ seconds counting. 04:10:28 CU eyes. Men go to booth, telephone lines opened, CU men talking into telephones, pan down line of booths. Men getting press release. 04:11:14 Farmer reading by radio, adjusts dial. Man watching television; farmer gets mail, calendar w/ crop report date marked. 04:11:36 Newspaper presses running (VERY GOOD COLOR & QUALITY). 04:12:04 Superimposed title: Crops, livestock, prices. 04:12:07 Newspaper sequence continued. 04:12:19 The End Government Information Gathering; Educational Films; Propaganda; 1940s; 1950s; Civil Service;

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