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1979 - Color, Educational Film: Working On Working

Reel Number: 221563-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1979,1970s

Country: USA

Location: Georgia

TC Begins: 13:35:15

TC Ends: 14:02:14

Duration: 00:26:59

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Montage: CU lighting acetylene welding torch, job advertisement fliers, printing press, metal shear, saw, etc. printing machines, metal forming, statements by instructors, handicapped student; nurse w/ young patient, hair dresser training, drafting, welding, comments on handicapped in vocational training. 13:37:10 Main Title: Working On Working 13:37:19 Black karate instructor breaking cement block / brick w/ fist. Talking to students outdoors. Class exercising. Instructor demonstrating routine; has epilepsy, learning to read w/ tutor. Working in cafeteria kitchen w/ Black women. 13:40:44 Administrator statement sitting in front of tree. 13:41:03 Pan typing class; woman in wheel chair interviewing student, also in wheelchair. Administrator. 13:42:10 Woodworking instructor talking w/ student. Power saw cutting wood. Parent frustrated w/ School Board response. Administrator (SOF) on relevant vocational education for handicapped. Meeting w/ instructors & Eddy, a deaf boy who turns off hearing aids, about getting him into “main stream.” Mother SOF. 13:45:55 Administrator about program. Teachers talking about involvement w/ students & their reaction to success of program. Teachers & students studying various skills & trades: counting money, brick laying. 13:50:39 Two boys on bicycles; woman & child leaving drive-in bank window; boys on bicycles to bank window & getting change & ride off. 13:51:30 Supervisors & instructors talking about program, frustrations & successes. 13:52:34 POV from car w/ sign for Atlanta, Georgia. POV past driver, straight ahead; from roadside of passing traffic. GOOD. 13:52:55 Hairdressing class; administrator talking w/ instructors at hair dressing shop. Others talking in different situations. 13:55:22 Trainees on house construction site laying cement block; others putting up siding. 13:55:53 Administrator in front of tree. Instructors talking about students abilities & how kids compensate. 13:57:02 Handicapped Steve McConnell getting driving instruction. Parents talking about Steve & driving. Steve studying mechanics. Instructor talks about his abilities. Man teaching cleaning tires. 14:01:07 Administrator in front of tree & visuals summarizing film. Credits. Mentally Handicapped Education; Educators; 1979; HEW Office of Education; Special Education; Vocational Training; Disabled; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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