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From Congress to Congress R5 of 5

Reel Number: 221407-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1910s-1971

Country: Russia,USSR

Location: Moscow,Togliatti / tolyatti

TC Begins: 12:42:33

TC Ends: 12:53:10

Duration: 00:10:37

From Congress to Congress Reel 5 of 5 Sign for Town of Togliatti on banks of Volga River - built c1967 for auto workers. Apartments under construction; window washing; people moving in. Large lunch rooms serve 30,000 workers at one sitting. 12:43:35 1923 footage of first apartment house built in Moscow post-Revolution; (also took same four years as did Togliatti) & marching band. People standing watching 12:43:56 House-building factory in Moscow , cranes moving sections (3 prefabricated apartments turned out per hour) wall sections w/ windows carried away on truck. Cranes above construction site - Moscow skyline w/ new tower blocks & old University in BG - VO says 50 million Soviets moved into new flats in last five years period of 8th Five Year Plan to 1970 POV past high rise apartments. 12:44:46 Int. modern department store. Shoppers browse clothes racks; women try on dresses & fur coats. Electronics department w/ rows of televisions. Refrigerator manufacturing. 12:45:51 Tracking past front of Moscow University; interior of grand marble hallways; students in lecture hall. VO re increase in education; students study in library, science laboratory, “every fourth scientist in the world is a Soviet citizen”. Soviet airliner; first Soviet supersonic jet Tu-144 (similiar to Concorde); Andrei Tupolev at press conference w/ plane designers at launch. Young nuclear physicist Alexander Skrinsky teaching students; banks of electronic equipment. Charged particle accelerator (cyclotron?). 12:48:16 Launch of space rocket. Reconstruction w/ models of Soviet landings on Venus & the Moon - Lunar 1; newspaper headlines; printing presses. Lighted city buildings. 12:49:32 Soviet workers 1910s - 1920s. CUs modern Soviet workers in various industries. VO says 9th Five Year Plan has had a good start. 12:50:42 Musical montage summarizing Soviet advances in previous five year period - industry, farming, science etc. End titles. Russia / USSR; Travelogues; Heavy Industry; Car Manufacturing; Communism; Consumer Goods; Daily Life; Commercial Aviation; Space Race; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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