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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221209-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:13:51
TC Ends: 02:27:10
Duration: 00:13:19
Inside The Big E American Petroleum Institute / A Roland Reed Production Documentary on USS Enterprise (CVN-65), first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. 02:14:06 Engine room. Enterprise at sea, plane takes off. VO gives statistics re size. US Navy helicopters land on deck. INT metal & woodworking shops, offices, repair shop, goods bay, post office, hospital, printing press, television studio, laundry, tailors, shoemakers, barbers, bakery. Crewmen queuing for food in galley - fresh fruit display. 02:16:23 Sailor reads in bunk, adjusts air conditioning outlet. Zoom in on machines, VO re importance of lubricating oil - CUs moving cogs, pistons etc. Nuclear reactors in hull. 02:18:26 Scientist in research laboratory w/ scientific apparatus, pours smoking liquid into tube. Air to air shot jet plane flies L-R, Enterprise below. NS Savannah, smaller nuclear ship used to test lubricants. INT lab testing shots, lubricants exposed to radiation inside chamber, mechanical hands, oils mixed in vials. 02:21:27 ‘Day in the life’ scenes aboard Enterprise: INT bridge, sailors on watch. Radar dishes turn. Reveille, sailors washing & shaving; breakfast cooking; mess line. Crewman & huge elevator raised to deck level. Pilots onto flight deck - jets take off, CUs catapult mechanisms using lubrication - planes in flight & landing. Fighter jets fueled before take off. Jet lowered to maintenance deck. INT storeroom w/ vars kinds of lubricating oil. Aerial view Enterprise; fueling escort ship. 02:25:24 Captain looks through binoculars on bridge. Last aircraft returns to carrier, 150mph touch down - down to hangar deck. Crewmen on elevator taken back below deck. Sailors in recreation room / library playing chess & reading; television room. Scientist in lab; research meeting. Shots of Enterprise at sea. Military Aviation; Petroleum; Propaganda; Industrial Film; 1960s;