Money Stream Flows Steadily As Treasury Rushes New Currency
03:16:27 Ext. of Treasury
03:16:29 Int. w/ long role of printing presses, woman at benches alongside; paper thru presses. LS men & women at benches.
03:16:44 Three men at large microphones in large room of women sitting at benches. SOF Treasury Secretary William H. Woodin: “I want to congratulate the country & thank the director, staff & employees of the Bureau of Engraving for the alacrity & efficiency w/ which they have met this crisis.
03:17:01 MS looking at sheet of bills. SOF by director: “This is the $20 denomination which will soon be ready for issue.”
03:17:13 SOF Motorcycle police w/ sirens leading convoy of armored trucks out of mint.
03:17:22 MOS High angle of people on street & thru large columns of bank. CU sign: The Terminal National Bank of Chicago Is Open For Business, Member Federal Reserve System.
03:17:28 Line of men at cashier or teller windows.
Depression; Bank Closings; Economy; Economics; Shopping; Unemployed; Money; 1933; 1930s;
Money Stream Flows Steadily As Treasury Rushes New Currency 03:16:27 Ext. of Treasury 03:16:29 Int. w/ long role of printing presses, woman at benches alongside; paper thru presses. LS men & women at benches. 03:16:44 Three men at large microphones in large room of women sitting at benches. SOF Treasury Secretary William H. Woodin: “I want to congratulate the country & thank the director, staff & employees of the Bureau of Engraving for the alacrity & efficiency w/ which they have met this crisis. 03:17:01 MS looking at sheet of bills. SOF by director: “This is the $20 denomination which will soon be ready for issue.” 03:17:13 SOF Motorcycle police w/ sirens leading convoy of armored trucks out of mint. 03:17:22 MOS High angle of people on street & thru large columns of bank. CU sign: The Terminal National Bank of Chicago Is Open For Business, Member Federal Reserve System. 03:17:28 Line of men at cashier or teller windows. Depression; Bank Closings; Economy; Economics; Shopping; Unemployed; Money; 1933; 1930s;