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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221279-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: USA
TC Begins: 09:01:05
TC Ends: 09:11:22
Duration: 00:10:17
Paper Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Int. Factory, paper milk cartons on production line, machine making paper cups, newspaper press. Book binding machine. 09:02:01 Trees, man measuring width of trees, marks tree w/ axe as ready for felling. Woodsmen or loggers cut down tree by hand w/ axe & then by saw. Tree falls, branches cut off trunk, log fastened by chains to horse who pulls log to yard where cut to lengths w/ chain saw. 09:03:47 Winter & logs hauled out of forest on sleds pulled by horses. Trucks take logs to riverbank, off loaded & pushed into piles using bulldozer. 09:04:28 Spring & logs pushed into river, float downstream to papermill log pond. Conveyor belt carries logs into machine that removes bark & dirt. Men sort logs on conveyor & then into machine that cuts them into wood chips. Woodchips are screened & then to pulping mill. 20:20:52 Large pressurized tank where combined w/ acid. Engineer checks pressures etc. Pulp bleached & washed, samples to laboratory; technicians in lab test pulp & strength of paper. 09:08:15 Pulp on conveyor into tank w/ chemicals. Huge paper making machine w/ pulp & water in & paper out thru rollers. Finished paper onto rolls & rolls lifted. Paper cutting machine, paper cut into sheets. Men felling trees. Paper Industry; Manufacturing; 1940s; Laborers; Workers; Processing; Natural resources; Newsprint;