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Plow That Broke The Plains R2 of 3

Reel Number: 221720-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1936

Country: USA


TC Begins: 00:38:30

TC Ends: 00:48:09

Duration: 00:09:39

R2 of 3 Wagon wheel outside board shack; team & plow past in dry dirt; woman sweeping porch of dust, rests; farmer in MCU looks up; baby playing w/ plow, man kicks ?? 00:39:36 Montage: cleated tractor over ridge of grass; woman; farmer; tractor; large explosion. Headlines re start of WW1; tumbling stock market. 00:40:08 Tractor past discing grassland, kicking up dust; explosion; headlines USA into war, wheat prices up. 00:41:18 Tractors in row, plowing plains w/ much dust. 00:42:02 Artillery firing intercut w/ grain harvesting, out of combine into truck. Ore carrier. Tractors, dust tanks, smoke; tractors. Cheering crowds & marching soldiers; discing tractors intercut. 00:43:33 LS across grain to horizon; line of self-propelled combines cutting grain; super-imposed Service Men - Free Land, etc.; combines, grain, sunset, printing press, supered marketing for land. Night & combining by lights. Smokestacks, grain, ticker-tape, glass tape punch all intercut, black jazz band drummer, glass pulled over & breaks. 00:46:27 Cattle bones & skull on dried, cracked mud; deserted farm equipment & parts. Dusty field, worn out tire, panting skinny dog & drifted dirt. CU farmer walking thru dust. More of all shots of drought, blowing sand; windmill, dust devil. Depression; Farming / Agriculture; Economics; Man-Made Disasters; 1930s; 1936; USA Western History; Americana; Classic Documentary; New Deal;

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