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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221077-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1936
Country: USA
Location: Great Plains
TC Begins: 10:29:27
TC Ends: 10:39:38
Duration: 00:10:11
The Plow that Broke the Plains Reel 2 of 3 WWI headlines ‘England Declares War on Germany’ - ‘Wheat Prices Soar’. Farmer driving tractor pulling plough. Montage explosions & more headlines. Field churned up by tractors in clouds of dust. Montage wheat production & shipping w/ cries of “Wheat will win the war!” etc. Advancing tanks intercut w/ tractors. Combine harvesters. Printing press - Government posters re ‘Free Land!!’ & ‘30,000 Farms for Sale’. Postwar decline of the wheat market results in overproduction - more combines - nighttime ploughing. Farm machinery is used and then abandoned. Drought - skulls of dead animals - dying puppy. Dust storm - farmers run for cover, kids run along main street of town - dust through cracks in window pane - topsoil blown away - INT derelict farmhouse. Depression. Farming / Agriculture. War Effort. Economics. Man-Made Disasters. Poverty. 1930s.