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Psychological Warfare, Luzon

Reel Number: 221576-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Philippines

Location: Luzon

TC Begins: 13:00:03

TC Ends: 13:08:40

Duration: 00:08:37

Psychological Warfare, Luzon VS US Army officers in camp plan strategy w/ model of terrain. CU men examine album w/ leaflet “I Cease Resistance” on edge of terrain model. GI writing notes at table. Men outside tents looking at notes. 13:01:44 Control center w/ vars people at desks; leaflet examined by officials inc. Lt. Col. J W Greene; leaflet approved for printing. 13:03:57 Officers examine photos of Filipinos / Japanese, CUs. VS printing press at work, man holds up finished leaflet. Leaflets packed, carried by Filipinos. Boxes of leaflets unloaded from truck. Air crews at briefing w/ map of area. 13:06:58: B-25s in flight; AVs leaflets dropped. US troops in jungle; Japanese soldiers surrender w/ leaflets in hand. VS PoWs. WWII Pacific War; Propaganda; Aerial leafletting; WW2; NOTE: Good coverage.

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