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Story of Prehistoric Man, The

Reel Number: 221281-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1953

Country: England,Switzerland,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Stonehenge

TC Begins: 13:25:20

TC Ends: 13:35:28

Duration: 00:10:08

The Story of Prehistoric Man Early drawings. Hands turn book pages, still re first printing press. Brief shots of man’s achievements pre-dating the press. Cathedral, Arch, Parthenon, Pyramid. CU Hieroglyphics. 13:26:52 Animated map detailing Europe, Asia & Africa sites where traces of prehistoric man have been found. Cave w/ fossilized bones. Graphic re prehistoric time. Skull of prehistoric man, various models of how prehistoric man looked, (Neanderthals?); how they learned to use stones as weapons, cutting a flint axe. Flint spearheads & other tools from “The Old Stone Age” Graphic. 13:29:37 Glacier field & mountains. Models of prehistoric men in cave w/ fire. Fire burning, cave paintings. Model of cave man carving, feeding dog by fire. Model of men w/ now semi- domesticated dogs who helped hunting & gathering of food. Mountains & valley. 13:31:57 Graphic & map showing areas of food producers e.g., Nile Valley. Silhouette couple sowing seed. Grain in pots. Making stone pots & weaving baskets & blankets (Navajo). 13:33:09 New Stone Age polished weapons & tools. Bow & arrow. Model of New Stone Age fisherman w/ nets. Reconstruction of stone-age fishing village in Switzerland. Stonehenge views. Stones in France, prehistoric temple. Montage of the achievements of PM. The End History; Evolution; Animation; 1953 Educational Film;

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