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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221217-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
TC Begins: 17:42:39
TC Ends: 17:52:44
Duration: 00:10:05
Why Punctuate Young America Films / Centron Corp. 17:43:02 Track meet scenes inc. starter’s gun, punctuation marks superimposed. VO “time for you to get on your marks, your punctuation mark”. Newspaper production press, linotype operator typing at machine, fiddling w/ type (removing punction marks), paper thru printing press. 17:43:52 Delivery boy throws newspaper from bicycle past house. Man reading newspaper at breakfast table, CU no punctuation in text. CU looking worried & holding glasses to light. CU pile of lead type of removed punctuation. 17:44:26 Woman w/ newspaper at typewriter to respond for job advertisement; but all punctuation mark keys removed from typewriter. Employer at desk reads her application letter w/ no punctuation. He shakes his head. CU typewriter as letter re-written w/ VO of number of colons, commas, periods, etc. needed. CU re-drafted letter w/ punctuation circled & man nodding head in approval. 17:47:05 Little boy laying on floor writing letter to father. VO mimicking its punctuation-free content - cut to father reading letter & laughing. VO “Dad’s glad Tommy can write at all!”. Teenage girls reading love letter from older Tommy - still no punctuation. VO “he writes as a child, and that’s how he’ll be considered”. Girl throws letter on floor. Girls read letter from “right guy” who knows how to punctuate. They smile. 17:48:15 Animated sequence explaining how to punctuate using the various marks. Track meet scene; newspaper, business letter, social letter in shown CU. The End. Literacy; Grammar; English Language; Writing; Dating;