Writing Through The Ages
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
‘Adapted from a visual unit produced for the British Ministry of Education’
05:22:39 Young English kids in classroom at wooden desks writing using ink wells.; postman pushes letters through door. History of writing explored: African tribesman cutting symbols into spear; diagram showing American Indian signs for times of day; Indian next to teepee drawing picture symbols on animal skin. Map of world showing early systems of writing.
05:24:06 Map of world showing areas of development of types of writing. CUs Chinese person writing w/ upright brush on rice paper. Mesopotamia - cuneiform marks carved in wet clay w/ reed. Egypt - hieroglyphics on stone tablets. Papermaking from papyrus strips, inking onto papyrus. Map showing Palestine - invention of Alphabet from Semitic symbols Aleph & Beth - 22 sounds & 22 letters - map of Gebal on Syrian coast - Phoenician trading routes carrying alphabet with them.
05:28:17 Ancient Greece, Acropolis - origin of words ‘writing’ & ‘bible’ explained. Roman carving; writing on waxed wooden tablet w/ metal stylus. Development of French style of lettering.
05:29:52 Re-creation of monk in Middle Ages writing at desk - crucifix on wall - book copied by hand. Re-creation of first printing press workshop c1450 - pages peeled off press. CUs early popular books - Shakespeare - Captain Cook Round The World. CUs handwritten letters from Queen Elizabeth I, Captain Cook, Alexander Pope.
05:31:33 Back to kids in classroom practicing handwriting. CU kid carefully copying story The Hare and the Tortoise. “Your handwriting has taken three thousand years to develop”. The End.
History; Literacy; Literature; Communication; Calligraphy; Educational Films;
Writing Through The Ages Encyclopaedia Britannica Films ‘Adapted from a visual unit produced for the British Ministry of Education’ 05:22:39 Young English kids in classroom at wooden desks writing using ink wells.; postman pushes letters through door. History of writing explored: African tribesman cutting symbols into spear; diagram showing American Indian signs for times of day; Indian next to teepee drawing picture symbols on animal skin. Map of world showing early systems of writing. 05:24:06 Map of world showing areas of development of types of writing. CUs Chinese person writing w/ upright brush on rice paper. Mesopotamia - cuneiform marks carved in wet clay w/ reed. Egypt - hieroglyphics on stone tablets. Papermaking from papyrus strips, inking onto papyrus. Map showing Palestine - invention of Alphabet from Semitic symbols Aleph & Beth - 22 sounds & 22 letters - map of Gebal on Syrian coast - Phoenician trading routes carrying alphabet with them. 05:28:17 Ancient Greece, Acropolis - origin of words ‘writing’ & ‘bible’ explained. Roman carving; writing on waxed wooden tablet w/ metal stylus. Development of French style of lettering. 05:29:52 Re-creation of monk in Middle Ages writing at desk - crucifix on wall - book copied by hand. Re-creation of first printing press workshop c1450 - pages peeled off press. CUs early popular books - Shakespeare - Captain Cook Round The World. CUs handwritten letters from Queen Elizabeth I, Captain Cook, Alexander Pope. 05:31:33 Back to kids in classroom practicing handwriting. CU kid carefully copying story The Hare and the Tortoise. “Your handwriting has taken three thousand years to develop”. The End. History; Literacy; Literature; Communication; Calligraphy; Educational Films;