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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1889-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: Korea,USA
TC Begins: 01:21:02
TC Ends: 01:28:00
Duration: 00:06:58
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Continued... Men at parade rest outside mess hall. Interior line served food, eating at long tables w/ ?? watching trainees. 01:21:26 New helmet liner & shoulder tab signed out, fitting in front of mirror. 01:21:49 Senior parade in front of saluting officers; close order. 01:22:20 Men out of barracks, saluted, studying at table, writing up report. 01:22:52 Barrack w/o markings. Int. Officers looking stern, trainee sitting at attention. 01:23:13 Ext. Headquarters building, Fort Benning, Georgia. Int. two-star general & one-star talking about allowing somebody to graduate because of how he looks in a photograph. 01:23:45 Graduation, receiving certificate, salute & handshake. Oath given to new Second Lieutenants to defend Constitution etc. 01:25:24 LS Fort Benning church, Entrance sign to Ft. Benning. Shots of campus; CU plaque to crippled dog Calculator, Born ?, Died 29Aug23 “He made better dogs of us all”. Lt. looking, walking away. 01:26:10 Feet in mud, troops marching on muddy road in Korea, LS of men up road. 01:26:38 Captain Carl Zimmerman SOF to camera: “Success in battle is still measured off by the foot soldier... (out of sync) CU insignia of Combat Infantry badge. Next week The Army on Wheels, The Army in Air, The Story of Transportation Corps. 01:27:26 End credits. Military Indoctrination; Army Officers Candidate School; Training; 1950s; Image; NOTE: Very good picture quality & coverage. NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes from entire film, 2 cards (01:00:00 - 01:28:00), sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: