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1930 - Americana, Depression: Congress Opens; Rioters Quelled; Six-Day Bike Race; Leviathan Overhauled; Nobel Prize Winner; Mechanical Animals. Dec30

Reel Number: 221752-21

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1930,1930s

Country: USA

Location: Boston,DC,Massachusetts,New York City,NYC,Washington

TC Begins: 16:21:40

TC Ends: 16:26:03

Duration: 00:04:23

1930 - USA Depression: Congress Opens; Favors Jobless Aid; Red Rioters Quelled, etc. Dec30 16:21:46 Crowd walking past Washington DC Capitol building; inter w/ Joint Session of Congress prayer. 16:21:59 Ext. high angle / HA crowd w/ police grabbing signs & men pushing, woman pushes policeman & teargas fired in crowd; police following exiting crowd firing teargas. Police carry off woman (?). 16:22:42 Intertitle: Prize Sprints Stir Jaded Appetites of 6-Day Bike Race Fans. New York City. 16:22:49 Bicycle racers lined up on track for photographers; race begins on banked wooden track. High overhead of racing, passing. 16:23:30 Intertitle: Leviathan Receives Winter Overhauling; Gives Work To 500. Boston, Mass. 16:23:38 CU bow of Leviathan docking seen from water; high angle. Workers on dock w/ ship behind, pulling ropes, etc. Ship in drydock & men working on side w/ hoses on planks hanging from ropes & in bucket from crane. Tilt up bow of ocean liner, men painting stacks, MCU. 16:24:32 Intertitle: Sinclair Lewis Sails! Famed author...to receive Nobel Prize... 16:24:43 MCU of Lewis w/ wife (?) Dorothy Thompson. CUs. Lewis looking at Swedish dictionary. 16:25:10 Intertitle: NYC, Artists create Holiday beasts! Show unique animals intended for store displays. 16:25:18 MS animatronics animated dinosaur w/ head, neck & tail moving around; CU mouth opening & closing. Men walk up below head. 16:25:36 CU life-size elephant head w/ trunk moving, men beneath mechanical animals. 16:25:44 Man sitting on dinosaur, upright bear moving beside; oxen team & farmer. Woman beneath bear Unemployed; Rioting; Violence; Indoor Sports; Author; Writer; Awards; Oddities; Gags; Travel; Transportation; NOTE: Any portion or all sold at per reel rate.

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