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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221108-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1934-1936
Country: England,Mexico,NORTHERN IRELAND,Scotland,United Kingdom
Location: belfast,Liverpool,London,southampton
TC Begins: 18:19:17
TC Ends: 18:27:47
Duration: 00:08:30
1930s Britain: Shipyard Scenes - Hunger March - General Election NB sound intermittent. Various scenes of workers dismantling ship using blowtorches intercut w/ shipbuilding scenes - narration refers to ship no. “534” under construction for Atlantic crossings. 18:21:44 Workers marching from Scotland to London on National Hunger March 1934? - banners ‘Means Test Means Mass Murder’ - natural sound inc. drumming & cheers heard - marchers stop for soup - bagpipers. Huge crowd of marchers arrives at Hyde Park. 18:23:15 Air to air shots biplanes in flight, mountainous coastline in BG - British fleet of warships at sea - fleet review by King George & Prince of Wales not seen. Bombs loaded into aircraft. British troops marching down country lane singing “Pack Up Your Troubles”. 18:24:02 British liners inc. RMS Mauritania & Berengaria in port - funnels smoking. Cut back to shipbuilding - workers high up above shipyard. 18:25:05 Dedication ceremony for submarine - “I name this ship Starfish...” - sub slides down the ways to ‘Rule Britannia’ & ‘God Save The Queen’ played by military band. 18:25:52 Si. General Election - good shots people in & out of vars polling stations around London inc. Wilton Place, Knightsbridge? Policeman talks to baby. 18:26:38 Sd. INT people registering at polling stations - woman in voting booth & placing ballot. Handwritten results - ‘Cheltenham - Mr W. Preston (C) 18574 - Mrs E. Pakenham (L) 7784’. Night shots crowds in central London? - police on duty. 18:27:10 CUs shipbuilders at work - natural sound. 18:27:37 Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin at desk - “There are a million good reasons why you should support the national Government” out of sync. Heavy Industry. Poverty. Socialism. Working Class. Welfare State. Social Security. Unemployment. Democracy. Demonstrations. Royal Navy. Dockers. Ocean Liners.