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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221795-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: Brazil,Chile
Location: Bahia,Rio De Janeiro,Salvador
TC Begins: 04:51:58
TC Ends: 05:06:14
Duration: 00:14:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951ca - Color, Home Movies: Brazil, Rio De Janeiro & Salvador Bahia; Chile High Altitude Mining LS High Angle / HA of tall apartment buildings & rooftops of lower buildings w/ Sugarloaf mountain in background. HA down onto patterned sidewalk & pedestrians. 04:52:08 HA on trees, tilt up to rooftops & port buildings w/ ship in harbor & mountains beyond. Tilt up buildings to hillside above w/ little building. Tile roofs of older houses below; houses around very large rock. 04:52:41 Large ocean liner docked next to cranes, people walk along dock. 04:52:54 Pedestrians on sidewalks & crossing streets; traffic statue. Patterned sidewalk in old central city; other ornate columned buildings, lions flanking steps. 04:53:46 LS past traffic along bay to Corcovado mountain. Statue of mounted rider. 04:53:58 Men breaking & laying stones / tiles for mosaic sidewalk. Obelisk & apartment buildings across street, light traffic. Pan topiary park w/ buildings behind. Coast w/ rock to stop erosion & stone wall before sidewalk. City center w/ park & 19th Century buildings behind including Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. 04:55:23 LS across water w/ storm clouds. Onboard ship, sailors & passengers; small freight sail boat & city on shore (prob. entering Salvador, Bahia harbor), docked freighters, warehouses & street scenes. Fishing boats (?) & men at dock. Pedestrians, street scenes, buildings. GOOD. 04:59:14 Chile. Miners walking on hillside steps changing mine shift. Circular railroad below conveyor out of hillside. Miners & multi-story wooden housing, children, clothes, train, gondola buckets across valley, dust in air. Train. Tilt up canyon & views of tailings. Steam engine. 05:03:09 Miners tying wood onto pack mule (?). HA tailings pond, men in water. Gondolas, cliffs, steam engine / freight / equipment past. Freight & passenger cars. 05:06:11 Sunset. South America; Poverty; 1940s; 1950; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Please notify us w/ definite information as to estimated date or place. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: