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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221565-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1979
Country: Barbados,England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: atlantic ocean,Barbados
TC Begins: 03:01:11
TC Ends: 03:16:00
Duration: 00:14:49
BOMEX - Barbados Oceonographic & Meteorological Experiment Storm over subdivision; lightning (GOOD effect) & heavy rain; heavy wind. 03:01:31 Tropical ocean w/ clouds, flat seas; pan. Time lapse clouds & POV thru clouds w/ main titles over. 03:02:19 Meeting w/ men in suits. CU Ben Davidson, NYU; Dr. Robert M. White of NOAH; Still photo Dr. Richard Holgren (sp?); Dr. ?? ; Col William Barney leading BOMEX. Equipment moved operated. 03:03:06 Barbados views. Harbor w/ liners & military ships. Views of ocean, clouds. Dr. Joshua Holland. 03:04:03 Dock & navy ships; planes. Coast Guard ships. POV on ship of rough ocean. Diagrams of ship placement & cubic area of experiment. 03:05:05 Boom reading pressure, humidity, wind speed, direction, temperature. In air above tethered balloon reading same at various heights to 2000 ft. Balloon launching w/ radiosondes & drop sondes. Radar & receiver & printer. Briefing for aircraft flights. 03:06:09 Docked Navy vessel FLIP (Floating Laboratory Instrument Platform). Towed, then raised vertical. 03:06:49 Crews to airplanes, various types taking off & views inside w/ technicians & monitoring equipment. Operation room 03:07:35 Air Force planes in various flights; monitoring comparing w/ satellite data. Oscilloscope & printouts. Main frame computer & tape reels w/ technicians. 03:09:07 Shipboard; plane over & POV. Retrieving data capsules by planes in flight. 03:09:40 MCU school of dolphins leaping thru water. 03:09:48 Measuring ocean temperature; aerial over FLIP; current readings. Island antennas; view of ocean from planes; technicians working; waves. Coastline. Hotel w/ briefing or meeting. Technicians working. 03:11:34 Ground terminal w/ receiving dishes. Briefing & discussion. Aerial of cumulus clouds rising over ocean from above. POV thru & above early stages of hurricanes. Cloud streets. 03:14:01 Ships docked w/ signal & US flags flying. Men at wall map w/ pins. Aerials of tropical cloud clusters. Animated modeling of atmosphere. Technicians working on ground, in airplanes, on ships. End Credits. Weather Scientific Study; Weather Predictions;