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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221601-84
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: Manhattan,New Jersey,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 12:19:02
TC Ends: 12:19:57
Duration: 00:00:55
News In Brief - East Coast 12:19:07 Aerial over Manhattan skyscrapers. 12:19:11 Longshoremen dockworker pickets marching outside Dock 84 in New York City. Men unloading large carts w/ large luggage; suitcases. People walking out of dock from ocean liner. 12:19:33 Families putting luggage into car. 12:19:40 Docks w/ barges sitting; crates stacked up below Lincoln Tunnel approach; cars parked on dock. Dock Workers; Union Strike; Work Stoppage; Nov56; 1956;