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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1176-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1910s
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 10:00:00
TC Ends: 10:08:17
Duration: 00:08:17
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1910s & 1920s - Germany: Railroad Views & Into Berlin; Street Scenes; Heavy Manufacturing Montage: Railroad cross gates drop, steam locomotive & passenger cars pass; POV down tracks, electric wires, CU wheels, rural countryside passing, CU bumpers between cars, more of all, metal girders of bridge. 10:01:59 Past large sign: Berlin 15 km. More countryside, past small houses on garden plots & factory in background, alongside coal yard; apartment houses under construction, railroad roundhouse & freight yards. Gas storage tank, apartments along tracks, billboards. Slow across switches; into station & sign: Berlin. MCU steam engine stopping. 10:03:15 High angle of cityscape w/ large cathedral dome. 10:03:24 Black 10:03:29 Montage: Pedestrians along sidewalks on cobblestone streets; boarding bus & electric tram; on railroad platform; train in snow; factory gates opening (no people). Many people on railroad platform, boarding train, descending stairs, train along platform, people up stairs, CU Peoples feet; cattle on streets, workers. 10:05:02 Soldiers w/ rifles march on street; workers & businessmen march on street, crowds walk towards side by side bridges, man cranking hurdy-gurdy street organ w/ hat on top, CU. People crossing bridge in sunlight. Chimneys w/o smoke; empty factory; men drive cattle thru gates. Workers arriving at factory; change clothes. Belt drives for motors, starting up, CUs, pulleys, machines working making / manufacturing bottles. CUs motors, lathes, other heavy machinery working; machines polishing glass, moving bottles & filling w/ milk. Men feeding large printing presses. Travelogue; Commuters; Industry; Military; Daily Life; NOTE: Any continuous 11 minutes 10:00:00 - 10:21:09 sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: