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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220496-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1911
Country: England,France,Russia,Spain,Ukraine,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Barcelona,Jersey City, New Jersey,London,Moscow,Odessa,Paris Torreblanca
TC Begins: 00:20:13
TC Ends: 00:25:15
Duration: 00:05:02
1911 - Moscow, Russia Aero Sleigh; Odessa Frozen Harbor; Storm; Dynamite Explosion Aftermath; French Parachute Testing; Spanish Train Wreck; King George V To Parliament Russian Main title & inter-title: 00:20:18 Russian inter-title: Moscow - aero sleigh testing. 00:20:25 Car body on skis w/ huge fan / propellor for traveling over snow or ice. Men board & travel along road; across frozen lake. 00:20:54 Russian inter-title: ?? 00:20:58 Across lake; on road, comes to stop by camera. 00:21:25 Russian inter-title: Odessa - Unprecedented frosts bound the port with ice. 00:21:32 CU bow of ship w/ anchor chain. LS ships surrounded by ice - various shots ice bound ships in harbor. Men sawing ice & shoveling snow next to small boat. Ships frozen in next to dock. 00:22:30 Russian inter-title. Barcelona - Aftermath of terrible hurricane. 00:22:37 Sea / ocean waves beating on shore; boats wrecked on rocks. 00:22:57 Russian inter-title. USA Jersey City - Steamer loaded w/ dynamite exploded. 00:23:03 Aftermath w/ damaged building. Men w/ pick axes & policemen wearing police helmets. Damaged railroad freight train. NOTE: 01Feb11 explosion of dynamite while unloading ship Catherine C to Jersey Central rail car. Severe damage to Ellis Island Immigration Center happened. 00:23:45 Russian inter-title: ?? 00:23:51 MCU workman in MCU looking at camera. 00:23:53 Russian inter-title. Paris - Test of parachute at the Eiffel Tower - the Gervier (?) parachute. 00:23:59 Dummy (?) man tied into parachute. Dropped. 00:24;05 Russian inter-title: ?? 00:24:10 Parachute floats down - man / dummy (?) lands head first. NOTE: First drop is automatic parachute w/ mannequin mounted in a dummy airplane; invented by Gaston Hervieu & tested during late 1910 & early 1911. Second drop is unidentified dummy or man hanging by foot from parachute. 00:24:16 Russian inter-title. Spain - rail crash in Torreblanca. 00:24:22 Clean up operations, train locomotive laying on side. Upright carriages towed away. 00.24.41 Russian inter-title. London - King George V Opens Parliament. 00:24:46 Ceremonial coach & mounted troops, beef-eaters march past spectators en-route to Parliament. The End. Inventions; Transportation Oddities; Winter Weather; 1910s; 1911; Royalty;