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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220461-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936,1930s
Country: USA
Location: California,Yuma, Arizona
TC Begins: 07:26:00
TC Ends: 07:27:00
Duration: 00:01:00
1936 - Depression, USA: Police Stop & Block Hoboes. Feb36 Title: Hoboes Get Bum’s Rush In Vigorous California Drive 07:26:06 High Angle / HA Police walking thru partially destroyed Hooverville / shantytown shacks. 07:26:10 MS Two policemen moving man out shack; look inside. Others walking around; moving men out of shacks. Walking men along railroad tracks past camera. 07:26:27 CU sign: Arizona State Line Automobile Club Southern California. 07:26:28 Table alongside road, police searching men, traffic past. Taking notes & walking men across river bridge past Arizona State Line sign. 07:26:37 Night. Railroad engine & passenger cars passing, police look for hitchhikers. Men & women at table beside road at night being fingerprinted. 1930s; Indigents; Okies; tramps; travelers; Poverty; Economics; Rural Slum; Desert; Housing; State Police; NOTE: Will consider ordering entire source reel if requested & time permits.