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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220855-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Marietta,Midwest,Muskingum River,Ohio,Zainsville
TC Begins: 18:02:24
TC Ends: 18:06:33
Duration: 00:04:09
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 - Disaster, Weather, USA: 1000 Dead In Flood Disaster, Midwest Intertitle. 18:02:26 Sailors board train. Freight cars w/ large rescue boats on board passing. CU stack of crates w/ rope around, men loading on commercial airplane. Large single-engine plane takes off. I18:02:52 Intertitle: Zanesville, Ohio. LS cars along road w/ flood waters running across, fast flowing Muskingum River alongside. Truck on its side in water. LS flooded town; MS water running thru streets. Chas. J. Barron Furniture Co in deep water. Man walking on sandbags. LS of flooded city w/ factory chimneys. River flowing past & over railroad tracks on bridge. 18:03:25 Intertitle: Marietta, Ohio. Aerial over flooded town. Rowboat in water; rescue boats arrive on flatcars; men unload & put into water. POV from boat; people helped into boat. Rowing past street sign; trapped sitting on porch roofs & in second story of houses. Evacuated helped onto railroad train. Army cots w/ victims loaded onto train. 18:04:22 Intertitle: 750,000 Homeless in Flood. High angle / HA of flood waters around houses w/ snow on rooftops in flooded town. Suspension railroad bridge above water w/ people crossing. Rowboats past homes. 18:04:41 Aerial of flooded town. Swift flowing water in CUs. 18:05:02 Men moving furniture by truck from house. People into rowboats. Freight cars under water & storage tanks floated off foundations. LS of factory. Houses nearly submerged. Police boat rescuing woman & babies. Others carried in stretchers. Exterior of submerged emergency hospital. Aerial flooded city. Outboard motorboat past hanging street signal light down to water. Dog crawls out of water. Wrecker pulls truck out of mud; line of cars leaving city on snow covered road. Flooded city streets in center of city. 1930s; Climate; Winter Flooding; Depression; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. If requested will provide 18:00:10 - 18:07:33 (3 cards) at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: