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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221781-01-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Lower Mississippi River
TC Begins: 02:00:00
TC Ends: 02:11:42
Duration: 00:11:42
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. Card 1 of 2 02:00:20 LS along concrete highway toward town w/ water tower & pan to farmland; various rural South shots; city on Mississippi riverbank. Sternwheeler pushing barges in muddy river. 02:01:00 United States map showing drainage of Mississippi & tributaries; lower river w/ flood plain from Cairo to Gulf of Mexico w/ tributaries named. 02:02:05 Brook & small stream, outboard boat on larger river; Mississippi, w/ bridge & sternwheeler passing; freighter w/ heavy black smoke, large ships & paddlewheel steamer. Deck hand; signalman; shadow on water, CU of paddlewheel & wake. 02:03:31 Tug pushing string of barges w/ views. Freighters unloading or loading at warehouse dock. Views of passing ships & tankers. Aerial. Large dredge working, pumping water as barges pass. Liner at dock. 02:05:08 CU cutter head of dredge into water, turning, mud spilling out. 02:05:33 Conveyor belts for loading / unloading. CU Unid. flag. Wheelman shots; dredging shot; views of tugs & barges. 02:06:12 Sepia. Montage of lightning, wind, rain & storms w/ flooding; prisoners working on dikes while guards w/ rifles & torches watch. Passenger train crossing railroad bridge w/ water close to tracks. Flooding of towns & destruction - aftermath. 02:07:36 Titles over storm: 1912, 1913, 1922, 1927. POV from boat passing dike w/ barriers & livestock on top. Flood waters around buildings w/ rowboats rescuing victims. People & belongings unloaded onto ship; Black children given food in camps. 02:08:28 Color. Washington Capitol building against blue sky. CU 1928 Flood Control Act, CU boots, men surveying, cutting brush. CU slide rule & working at drafting board. 02:09:17 1927 Flood superimposed on map of lower river. Car driving along fresh wooden dike / levee. Building w/ large scraper & bulldozer. 02:09:54 Sign: Sardis Dam - first Reservoir of Yazoo Basin Flood Control Plan... View of finished dike. Sign: Bonnet Carre’ Spillway Corps of Engineers New Orleans District. CU spillway (no water seen). 02:10:16 Montage: Aerial showing newly cut canal / channel thru meandering channel; men working on dike. 02:10:24 Diagram of lower river w/ flood control reservoirs shown; animated arrow showing new levees. 02:11:02 New earthen dike; men taking soil samples; analyzing on machine, CUs needle. Continued... Flood Control; Laborers; Government Programs; Transportation; 1940s; 1950s; Heavy Equipment; Water; Ecology; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes on two cards (02:00:00 - 02:27:09) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: