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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221781-01-P2
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Lower Mississippi River
TC Begins: 02:11:42
TC Ends: 02:27:09
Duration: 00:15:27
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Card 2 of 2 Continued... Bulldozer pushing down tall trees & pushing stumps; power shovel w/ dragline moving soil. Machines pulling soil from barrow pit to build levee. Earthmoving equipment loading earthmover, hauling to levee, dumping, bulldozers moving & compacting. 02:14:07 Surveyors working, CUs. Men sodding slope of dike w/ shovels. Black women placing sod. 02:14:40 Diagram of crooked river route; cutoffs shown to straighten channel. 02:15:14 Lifting soil from large explosion of dynamite. Water / hydrojets washing down dirt bank from base on river. Large dredge w/ pipeline running to shore & across. MCU material flowing out of pipeline. Second dredge shown along riverbank. Aerial over cut w/ small section plug left; explosion form blasting the plug & water running thru eroding balance of cut. 02:17:00 Mississippi bank eroding w/ trees & soil falling into river. 02:17:29 Large drag crane cleaning bank for reventment; pulling soil down into stream. Bulldozers grading, pushing soil into river above revetment. Gravel placed on bank. Production line building flexible mat sections w/ men laying paper separator on wire mat & steel forms laid & locked; sprayed w/ oil & then concrete poured from moving trucks & Black laborers shoveling & flattening concrete in forms. 02:20:20 Pan over curing finished concrete units stockpiled in field. 02:20:35 Units assembled w/ cranes lifting & placing on tracks w/ rollers & moved into position, tightened to others & concrete mattress lowered onto river floor & barge moved upstream for next section. MCU of workers unloading next section & hooking cables. 02:23:10 LS of barge & paving equipment beginning work on upper bank w/ asphalt & sand mixture. Truck loaded from conveyor into truck & dumping into sled which pulls & spreads asphalt. Men raking. LS along hardened revetment. Pan over to town & farm. 02:25:14 Farmer on horse among cattle; mechanical cotton picker thru field; sugar cane cutting & moved & dumped in mill by crane. Other factory / refinery. LS Sawmills operating. 02:26:16 Man on ship moving past & looking across water to large freighters at docks & warehouses. Barges on river Slack Barrett paddlewheel tug (?). Others. 02:27:03 End credits Flood Control; Laborers; Government Programs; Transportation; 1940s; 1950s; Heavy Equipment; Water; Ecology; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes on two cards (02:00:00 - 02:27:09) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: