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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250062-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1950,
Country: Korea,USA
TC Begins: 02:56:09
TC Ends: 03:02:03
Duration: 00:05:54
Title. 02:56:15 Men walk past banner: Navy Recruiting Station. Standing beneath flags w/ hands raised swearing into US Navy. MCU pan volunteers. CU Illustrated poster of Marine officer between two flags, Volunteers being sworn in in front. Swish pan... 02:56:36 Soldiers marching past, barracks in background; march along dock away from camera towards troop transport 222, MCU past camera & boarding ship in LS. Swish pan... 02:56:56 Army truck w/ soldiers along dusty gravel road; jeep & truck past & trucks across bridge. 02;57:09 Soldiers running to and falling on hillside w/ rifles ready, firing bazooka; others in orchard loading artillery & firing multiple rounds. Soldiers beside roadside. Equipment on railroad cars passing. Anti-aircraft artillery mounted on truck & soldiers watching. 02:57:44 Burned out gasoline dump & railroad equipment destroyed. 02:57:55 Koreans along roadside waving at passing tank & tank crews; soldiers carry wounded on stretcher. 02:58:12 CU newspaper headlines: Evidence of Red Atrocities! Murdered Yanks! etc. 02:58:18 Koreans filling in burial pit as GIs watch. GI & Chaplain give prayer / blessing over grave. 02:58:44 Slug. 02:58:51 Sd. Title: Korea, Allies Hold Tight As Truman Alerts Nation. 02:58:56 Pan B-29s on runway warming up; pilots & crews beside. Planes taking off. View from inside glass nose & views of bombs dropping from plane. POV strafing by fighter planes. 02:59:44 GIs down ramp of LST. Artillery on dock; doll; puppy carried by GI. MCU soldiers; troops & equipment along Korean road. General Walton Walker in jeep looking at map w/ officer; w/ William Dean. Destroyed tanks; burning truck along roadside. Howitzer artillery firing. Swish pan... 03:00:56 MS Truman at microphones, SOF: “The fact that Communist forces have invaded Korea is a warning that there may be similar acts of aggression in other parts of the world. Free Nations must be on their guard more than ever before against this type of sneak attack. The Free Nations have now made it clear that lawless aggression will be met w/ force. The Free Nations have learned a fateful lesson of the 1930s. That less is that lesson is that aggression must be met firmly; appeasement leads only to further aggression & ultimately to war.” 03:01:40 Truman on camera but announcer voice-over re possible tax increase. 03:01:52 Truman, SOF: “We know that the cost of Freedom is high but we are determined to protect our Freedom no matter what the cost.” Korean War Related Activities; 1950; Jul50; Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Though from two source reels, entire card can be sold at single reel rate if client desires. NOTE: Sound is good 02:58:51 - 03:02:03.