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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221795-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: Chile
TC Begins: 05:20:20
TC Ends: 05:30:47
Duration: 00:10:27
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951ca - Color, Home Movies: Chile (?) Indians Daily Market & Festive Dress Indian woman w/ baby past covered roadside monument w/ cross on base. Indians walk on dirt road past man kneeling w/ hands clasped. Tree-lined road filled w/ people walking; woman washing clothes as people pass. Village & parade w/ people carrying flags / banners, Indian women carry small tricolor flags - green, blue & white (?). Board bus; people watch from balcony. 05:21:49 Priest & others lead political (?) parade well-dressed men & women w/ banners, flags & small placards filling narrow street. 05:22:47 LS of large church w/ towers & high dome above trees; people along railroad track; MLS church. Indians wash in stream; boy playing flute of reeds. Woman sitting in field; calves sleeping; woman sitting beside road; children eating by wall. 05:23:37 Village / town market stalls w/ Indians in ponchos filling church square, tilt up tower. MS coins thrown to religious statues (?) on blanket. 05:24:01 Village street; Indian boy herding sheep past others walking. Standing talking in early morning light. Boys in suits & ties carrying piglet; people slowly walking thru village; hurrying. Narrow street filled. River bank, people, streets; woman cooking; men drinking; steaming pots. 05:26:06 ? Crowded village stalls outside houses. People on balconies above busy street; High Angle / HA of filled market in town square, fireworks in middle. Various views from above. 05:27:30 View across farmlands from large arch. CU Stone patterns in sidewalk or road. Murals on walls of ??. 05:28:03 View from balcony to church or monastery w/ hills behind. Market & Indians in hats & mostly red striped or solid ponchos. CU framed religious primitive painting of monk & baby Jesus. Indians at stall. LA of balcony w/ paintings on wails behind railing. Indians walking past pillars of building w/ bars in windows above. 05:28:43 Flowers in park (?) garden; statue. Indians w/ bundles past Jonny Salon Azul. Racks w/ hanging clothes & fabrics. 05:29:08 LS steep mountainside, pan valley. Man climbing electric pole, gypsy wagon (?), 58 (road sign), hooking wire - brief. 05:29:26 LS steep mountainside, valley below & tilt up mountains at end. Men working on small washout on railroad. POV of forested hillsides from train. Goats across tracks. Pans of barren mountainsides from beside thatched hut, farmlands below. 05:30:44 Parked steam engine & cars. South American Indians; Poverty; 1940s; 1950; Farming; Religious Celebration; Political Demonstration; Agriculture; Commerce; Economics; Daily Life; Ethnic; Sunday Best Cloths; Festive Formal Dress; NOTE: Date unknown. Please notify us w/ definite information as to estimated date or place. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: