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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221795-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: Chile
TC Begins: 05:06:18
TC Ends: 05:20:17
Duration: 00:13:59
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951ca - Color, Home Movies: Chile Mining; Agriculture Farming & Indians To Market High Angle / HA mining buildings in barren mountains; LA buildings on hillside w/ walks & flowers, kids playing basketball, families on porches & steps of multistory apartments. 05:08:38 CU children w/ knit hats. Tilt up mining complex on hillside; soccer field at base above tailing pond. 05:09:24 Men loading bags on pack animals. Men, women & children walk down rocky road. 05:09:55 Narrow gauge railroad w/ locomotive around tight turn at canyon bottom. Chilean flag on pole by building; buildings on mountainside. Children. HA engine pulling three flat cars w/ men riding on ore around tight turn. 05:10:51 Sun setting thru canyon & clouds. 05:11:28 Steam pipe out of rock. Morning light. 05:11:36 Daylight & trees along railroad, pan across wide river valley. Large ingots leaned on railroad car; men push cart past. Lumber stacked drying. 05:12:12 POV from train along dry grassy valley, village, wide river. People walking on narrow sidewalk alongside tracks over bridge w/ bobbing rowboats. 05:12:56 Narrow street w/ vendor stalls. Street signs on building; women in doorways; street activity w/ carts, oxen, bus, pedestrians. 05:13:55 HA over town roofs. MS small defense fortress. Oxen & carts on dirt road; farm; village square; town street. 05:14:25 Thatch hut, oxen & cart on road; farmers & cattle pens; oxen pull harvesters in large field; carts along road. Sheep in dirt & shade; shacks & family / families in barnyard, chickens. GOOD. 05:17:24 CU rural children. Oxen on road pulling cart loaded high w/ straw. 05:17:45 River; dilapidated wooden bridge; ox cart along dusty road; others thru village & across bridge. Indian women w/ ornate jewelry & others hurry to market thru village. Across bridge. 05:19:09 MCU boy w/ basket of chili peppers & tomatoes. MCU people wearing panchos passing - walking, riding. Unloading oxcarts. 05:20:10 Town street w/ parked cars, bus, pedestrians South American Indians; Poverty; 1940s; 1950; Farming; NOTE: Date unknown. Please notify us w/ definite information as to estimated date or place. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: