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Canadian Railroad; Drought; Planting; Harvesting Grain, ca 1930s

Reel Number: 221385-20

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1930s

Country: Canada


TC Begins: 13:10:24

TC Ends: 13:19:56

Duration: 00:09:32

Canadian Railroad; Drought; Planting; Harvesting Grain, ca 1930s POV moving alongside steam locomotive of Canada railway. View of heavy clouds. 13:10:50 draft horses in harness drinking from pond. View across reservoir or river of prairie city, pan from bridge over dam up reservoir. Large stone building w/ street names carved on it: Victoria & ..th St. Tower of large concrete building seen behind conifer trees. 13:11:34 Calves drinking from pond or reservoir. CU man makes notes from wind measuring device w/ knobs, dials. Farmer working on horse drawn cultivator; large tractor pulled cultivator; large plow pulled & dust blowing w/ barn & house beyond. Clods. Man attaching cultivator points. Plowing w/ town beyond. 13:13:30 Man in checkered shirt looking at sky for clouds. MS man taking reading of wind machine, CU rotating cups. Cultivating, breaking up soil. CU man’s feet walking thru dirt. Man pumping by hand, team of horses & man w/ wagon to horse trough. CU water into trough. 13:14:54 loses time code--burn-in goes to control track MCU drifted dirt covering farm parts. Sand dunes. Man walking along downed fence. Eroded prairie, panning across sand. Dried cracked earth. Pan over drifting sand. CU kicking sand. 13:16:40 Bullbozer pulling grader, making ditch; tractors sewing seed. Plowing w/ three bottom plow & early John Deere tractor. Farmer, wife & dog sitting in open car looking. Horse pulled wagon & men pitching sheaves. Grain on conveyor into thresher. Large steam tractor pulling combine. Tractor pulling swather, bundling grain. Transportation; Dust Bowl; Erosion; Agriculture; Farming; Harvest; Midwest Prairie;

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