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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250124-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Kimpo AB,Seoul
TC Begins: 08:29:26
TC Ends: 08:39:42
Duration: 00:10:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Korean War - 1950, Korea: Seoul Attack by Allied Troops. 21-23Sep50 Slate: 21Sep50 camera: Fosnaught Roll 1. Jeeps arrives w/ 2-star General & Rear Admiral James Doyle naval officers, salute & review troops. Doyle shaking hands w/ various troops 08:30:23 Slate: 22Sep50 Attack n Seoul, Han River. Camera: Barnes. Planes on airstrip flight line, crewmen loading rockets, moving on carts to planes; arming bombs. 08:31:18 Slate: same except Kimpo Airbase. Loading rockets & attaching, fuzing. Twin-engine planes taxiing, parking, pilot out. 08:32:21 Slate: same. Flight line w/ four-engine C-54 transports; unloading fuel drums into truck. Transport taxiing, structural steel for hanger under construction in background. Men carry wounded on stretchers into transport. 08:33:27 Slate: same, R4 Air - Head. Unloading crates of ammunition & stacking; unloading large crates w/ forklift. CU front of vehicle: Cargo Support Group. CU large crates of M2 ammunition. Crate: For U.S. Navy Stock Small Arms Ammunition. Unloading & truck driving off. Large burned out concrete building in background. 08:34:27 Stretchers w/ wounded carried aboard C-54 plane. Removing stretchers from racks in jeep. 08:35:03 MCU engine starting, C-54 taxiing, taking off. 08:35:40 Slate: 23Sep50 Roll 1 Barnes Seoul area. High angle HA US soldiers around thatched village buildings, looking at maps, CUs. Men on radiotelephones & microphones. 08:36:32 Soldiers w/ rifles at ready moving thru railyard w/ burned out railroad cars, twisted steel. 08:36:39 Slate same R2. Viewof soldiers thru w/ destroyed equipment & burned cars. CU soldiers in ditch. Column of tanks passing w/ much dust; infantry pulling carts of equipment along dirt road past houses. 08:37:43 Slate: 23Sep50 Camera: Lt. Bob Strichland. R1 Attack on Seoul. LS across river & bridge in distance, houses in foreground. Smoke rising from ??. Infantry down hillside, tanks passing on street; Infantry along railroad bed, following powerlines thru brush w/ smoke in background. 08:38:40 Slate: same. R2. GIs running w/ packs & rifles. Silhouetted sniper firing rifle w/ scope in foreground, partially demolished steel bridge in middle distance & city in distance. Pan bridge w/ buildings in foreground to another bridge. Fighting; USAF; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: