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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220740-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1916-1918
Country: USA
Location: Bethlehem,Pennsylvania
TC Begins: 23:41:11
TC Ends: 23:56:56
Duration: 00:15:45
Men at work in foundry; lift & move glowing ingots onto hand carriers. Heat & light from ??. Molten metal flowing into drums; sparks flying, clouds of steam & smoke rising. MS Pouring into large bucket. Bucket hoisted & poured into molds. Glowing ingot lifted. 23:43:26 Steaming pigs moved on factory train, hoists lift pigs. 23:44:08 Two men beside enormous iron ?? on railroad car. 22:44:18 Ore pile w/ overhead scoop dumping. 23:44:42 Machining steel. Barrels turned, measured on large lathes. CU of turning metal chip. Traveling lathe or drilling barrel. 23:46:21 Overhead crane lifting large barrels after annealing aka heat treating; redunking. Men move large barrel w/ overhead crane. Man crawls through cannon barrel, cleaning. Various cooling processes. 23:47:55 Overhead crane operator lifting barrel; MS of operator.; moving barrels, lifting & lowering into bath in floor. 23:49:25 LS of armament factory floor. Men polishing barrels. 23:49:54 Guns are assembled; overhead crane lifting cannon & parts during assembly. Heavy machinery. Raising & lowering barrel of assembled artillery. 23:51:55 Man at bandsaw cutting bomb casing or pattern. Holds two halves. 23:52:23 Large shells on machine; moved to line; turning outside. Moving down roller conveyor on boards.Men filling w/ moisture ?? Gunpowder. Shells loaded & fused. 23:54:20 Women inspecting mounted multiple rocket barrels. Men loading shells in carrier cases(?). Man painting undercarriage or caisson for ?? Assembling field artillery & carriages lined up ready for shipment. 23:56:03 Exterior factory or steel mill. 23:56:14 Enormous barrel in freight cars (for railroad gun?). 23:56:39 Factory ext. from high angle, tilt up smoking chimneys. Manufacturing; 1910s; WWI; WW1; Armament Manufacture; Ordnance Materiel; Artillery production;