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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221697-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:00:06
TC Ends: 02:10:21
Duration: 00:10:15
Titles 02:00:26 View of farm, farm house. Interior, farmer talking about farm being in the family for 100 years. Telling story to high school boy reporter for school newspaper as to how he wouldn’t give his land for a county airport. 02:00:55 Flashback to man & woman meeting with farmer; he gets upset, wads up paper & says “I’ll stand on my constitutional rights!” 02:01:21 Back to boy & farmer. He says he wondered if he knew about his constitutional rights; goes on to tell boy about The Constitution. Points it out on the wall. CU of pointer and various Articles. 02:03:36 Marking sample ballot, woman and others seen discussing. 02:03:55 Boy & farmer at Constitution. Prohibition amendment & repeal seen & explained. 02:04:52 Riverboat, railroad, oil tank truck, passengers boarding TWA plane. People talking at desk. 02:05:26 Boy & Farmer. CU of Agriculture pamphlets on Vegetables; Foot and Mouth Disease; Soil & Water Conservation. CU of Capital with traffic on east side. Bills of congress in CU. 02:06:02 White House; Supreme Court. 02:06:21 Farmer talking, boy. 02:06:53 Political speaker beneath donkey & elephant. Good staged. Man in audience speaks. 02:07:25 Civic committee meets w/ farmer who says “No!” He huffs and puffs. Man sitting at desk writing letter to newspaper. 02:08:10 Farmer meeting w/ editor who reads him an opposing letter. Farmer gets on phone to President of airline. 02:09:27 Farmer & boy taking notes; they look out window to United Airlines four-engine airplane Mainliner Lake Superior taxiing up & past. The End. Dialogue; Educational Films; Instructional Film; Capitalism; Political Science; Stubbornness; Land Ownership; Right of Eminent Domain; Government;