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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220609-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951,1940s,1950s
Country: Ireland
Location: Blarney Castle,Brosna Valley,County Cork,Dublin,Killarney
TC Begins: 07:47:33
TC Ends: 08:00:10
Duration: 00:12:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1951, Ireland 07:48:06 Scenics of Killarney lakes; tourists; landscapes. Tourist getting onto horse & cart outside hotel, waving. American (?) tourists mounting horses & pony trekking, riding along gravel road. 07:49:19 Blarney Castle, County Cork. Tourists kissing the Blarney stone. Remains of early church & castle; castle & house belonging to Sir Walter Raleigh. Wind vanes. Bubbling stream / river - falls / rapids. 07:50:36 CU sign: Office of Public Works - Brosna Drainage. Dragline excavating to open bog land & dredging the river. Trench drainage machine cutting thru bogs. 07:51:29 Small electrical transformer, once level w/ ground now on stilts as bog has dropped three feet. 07:51:40 Men cutting peat by hand, stacking turf laid out to dry. Donkey & cart loaded. Stacks of peat. 07:52:23 Small cottage w/ smoking chimney from peat fire. Men piling up peat moss. Moss in bales w/ woman stitching cover for exporting. 07:52:52 Mechanical digger of peat. Men putting dried peat on conveyor belt. Peat loaded into railroad cars from conveyor. 07:53:46 Small train takes freight cars of peat to electric power station & raised onto elevated railway - fed into bunkers. 07:54:47 Montage: power station - pylons; thatched cottage; Sign: Rural electrification; power lines across fields; construction work on tower of thermal power station. Hydro-electric dam. 07:55:52 LS sugar beet refinery. Pan from ruins to limestone quarry w/ men moving rock by hand; steam shovel loading American trucks & trailers; haul & spread limestone onto nearby farm fields. 07:57:11 Tractor plowing furrows. Tractor turning hay to dry; farm workers / laborers turning hay & making haystacks. 07:57:50 Traditional farmhouse, boy w/ donkey, geese in yard, pigs in pens, chickens out of coop. Cattle in fields. Cattle market for export. 07:58:47 Dublin city center w/ traffic & various street scenes & buildings. Man buys eggs from woman street peddler. Scenics. 07:59:42 End credits. Marshall Plan; Electrical Industry; Modernization; 1950s; Agriculture; Post-WW2; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Poor Sound Track. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: