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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221471-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: England,United Kingdom
TC Begins: 04:24:03
TC Ends: 04:36:23
Duration: 00:12:20
Printing Through The Ages Encyclopaedia Britannica Boy on floor cutting potato to use as print block. Seal pushed into wax. Inking seal to make stamp. Chinese block prints. 04:25:41 Man making block prints on roll of linen or cloth for a repeat pattern. 04:25:59 Costumed printers making playing cards. Printers using large press to imprint on paper. Monk scribing words into a wood block. 15th Century men reading; Man writing w/ quill. 04:27:04 door opens to reveal printing workshop of Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany w/ employees. Opens locked cabinet to show multiple bibles, opens & turns pages of bible. CU 04:28:26 Man cutting wood block letters. 04:28:42 Man at work bench making metal castings of letters; making impressions w/ matrix then filling mold aka mold to make cast letters. Lines of movable metal type. 04:29:54 Animated diagrams of letters from written form. Europe map showing location of presses. Men printing newspapers w/ lever press; cast iron press. Mechanical inking rollers spreading ink over type. 04:31:38 Diagram showing evolution of presses to high speed presses. CU of presses. CU London Times; announcement of Koenig’s printing machine acquired in 1814; CU press. Man setting type in flat page, tissue & blotting paper made deep impression, then mounted in casting machine & molten metal used to form half cylinder & mounted on drum of press. Diagram showing operation. 04:33:36 Papermaking machine making rolls of paper instead of single sheet. Diagram showing use of roll paper in printing machines. Various machines in MS & CUs. 04:35:04 Typesetter typing & CU of monotype machine. Linotype machine shown. Large bank collating magazine pages for binding; 1950 newspaper press. 04:35:50 Large London railroad station interior w/ newspaper kiosk in center & benches w/ passengers sitting waiting. Others walking, buying magazines & newspapers. The End. GOOD. Industrial Revolution; 1950; 1940s England; Publishing; Books; Duplication; Duplicating; History; Historical; Workers; Educational Film;