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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221344-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1938
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:14:01
TC Ends: 22:25:19
Duration: 00:11:18
Stop Silicosis Newspaper printing press, headline: Senator Opens Silicosis War. Other newspaper stories on silicosis problesm. Ext. of Department of Labor. Sec. of Labor Frances Perkins at desk speaking (MOS). 22:15:42 Dept. of labor chemists in laboratory. CU hands holding asbestos or other white powder puts into container, shakes, adds water & puts in beaker. View thru microscope showing particles. Charts of body & breathing organs w/ animation of dust entering lungs thru nose & mouth; development of alveoli nodules in lungs shown in blown up diagram. X-ray of damaged lungs. 22:17:33 Granite quarry & crane lifting large block of stone. Men drilling & raising dust, CU w/ dust covering shoes. None wearing masks. Railroad working above. Man polishing & working stone w/o mask. Bagging ?? in dusty environment. Men doing other work dust rising. Man shovelilng into wheelbarrow, coughing. Foreman gives him note & sends him to payout cage; fires him. cemetery & working carving name into headstone. 22:21:15 Nurse takes man into doctor’s office. Examines him for his lungs by tapping, w/ stethoscope; Chest X-ray. X-Ray shown next to another. 22:22:25 Sand blasting w/ protective breathing gear. Men working w/o protection. CU throwing switch on air exhaust. Man wearing respirator while bagging dust. Carving stone w/ exhaust device. Working stone w/ water to hold down dust. US. Department of Labor logo. the End. Industrial Hazards; Worker Protection; Stone Carving;