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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221230-46
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1933
Country: USA
Location: Illinois,Peoria
TC Begins: 19:13:25
TC Ends: 19:13:59
Duration: 00:00:34
Surplus Farm Stuffs Make New Motor Fuel Large factory with railroad tank cars & freight cars alongside. Chimney’s smoking. Very large wire containers of ears of corn. 19:13:44 Man in bib overalls filling car at gas pump. Sign over spare tire saying Alcohol From Grain Mixed With Gas, Works Fine Use It. 19:13:50 Wet road w/ cars parked on both sides, car comes skidding & sliding down the road as though drunk. Bio-fuel; 1930s Depression; Alternative Energy; Industry; Agriculture Surplus;