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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220640-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914,1910s
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 19:00:11
TC Ends: 19:11:22
Duration: 00:11:11
WWI - 1914 ca, Germany: Grand Duke Frederick Funeral; Royalty; Military Transport & TrainingJun14 Germany - Funeral for Grand Duke Frederick. MS mounted military officers leading mounted military band & others units. Civilian judges (?) marching leading covered carriage / hearse w/ coffin pulled by three pairs / teams of horses w/ footmen in procession past military & others at attention; band playing on sidewalk. Crowds. Huge procession with many formally dressed military VIPs. 19:03:26 Black slug. 19:03:30 Two VIPS, one military & one civilian in top hat into carriage. Leaving in procession of carriages past waving crowds. Gustav, Kaiser, Frederick II past camera – President of France and Kaiser. 19:03:56 Black slug & Swedish (?) title card. 19:04:09 Laos. MS Ruined heavily damaged brick building & wall. Soldier followed by Doberman runs to wall, scales; dog over wall on second attempt. 19:04:34 Soldiers firing cannon / artillery from behind camouflaged emplacement. Rear shot of soldiers shifting artillery & reloading. 19:05:21 Black slug & Swedish (?) title card. 19:05:30 Berlin 1914. Well dressed crowds lining up at cafeteria in park / soup kitchen / poverty. Pan over tables as people eating food. Women handing out soup & bread. High Angle pan of group eating outdoors under trees. 19:06:53 Swedish (?) title card. Men carry large tables or ?? from barracks type building. 19:07:00 Red Cross women handing food (brief). Women outdoors handing soup to civilian men some very young & some wearing red cross arm bands. 19:07:29 Swedish (?) title card. Men at outdoor kitchen. 19:07:38 Swedish (?) title card re Potsdam & transporting reservists. Woman hands food to railroad engineer in locomotive. Well-dressed reservists / recruits in train freight car - women handing them food. Recruits wave hats & scarfs from many cars as train passes. Mobilisation. 19:08:45 Swedish (?) title card. 19:08:50 Soldiers & officers in uniforms marching w/ suitcases, large church (?) in background. 19:08:57 Swedish (?) title card. Army training of soldiers in civilian clothes on field w/ large houses in background; officer drills them, marching. Practicing aiming rifles (fake?) from kneeling position. 19:10:27 Men firing while standing & others w/ rifles on tripod platforms. 19:10:59 Swedish (?) title card: Boy-Scouts Deltaga I Arbetet... 19:11:03 Women stirring kettles outdoors. 19:11:05 Swedish (?) title card: Berlin: Gudstjanst i Hedwigs-kyrkan med anledning af kejsar Franz... 19:11:14 Women & VIPs out of car / carriage as people watch. WWI; WW1; 1910s; Daily Life; War Preparations; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.